4150 McConnell Drive,
Burnaby, BC, V5A 3Y9
  • Outdoor & Sports
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  • Street, Parking
  • Prices subject to change
  • Condition may not match photo
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Street, Parking

Street, Parking , PARKING LOT BARRIER, YELLOW POST ON FLAT METAL BASE W/ARM - Paint Colour & Function Not Guaranteed, May Not Be Exactly As Pictured - Some Productions Have Had Success Wiring This Item To Work, METAL, YELLOW


Code: 50005404

Price: $250.00/wk

Street, Parking

Street, Parking , PARKING LOT BARRIER, YELLOW POST ON FLAT METAL BASE W/ARM - Paint Colour & Function Not Guaranteed, May Not Be Exactly As Pictured - Some Productions Have Had Success Wiring This Item To Work, METAL, YELLOW


Code: 50006564

Price: $250.00/wk

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